Darcie Milazzo
Founder|Executive Coach|Agent of Transformation
Darcie Milazzo is dedicated to developing leaders with a commitment to make a positive difference in the world. As a coach, consultant and higher education executive, she supports higher education institutions, its innovators and creatives in the successful pursuit of game-changing initiatives.
While serving as the Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives at Georgetown University, she was responsible for identifying, developing and leading mission-centric, cross-disciplinary programs. In addition to creating programs and educational experiences for leaders in health care, for-profit, non-profit and government organizations across the world, Darcie co-created the Institute for Transformational Leadership at Georgetown University and served as one of its first co-directors.
As the Associate Dean of Georgetown University’s Center for Continuing and Professional Education, she led the academic affairs and managed the business operations of the Virginia campus of Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies, serving more than 1,000 students annually. She designed and led the change initiative to transform the School’s non-credit education division into an organization recognized for educational excellence, efficiency, student-centered operations, and positive financial performance. She was also responsible for a portfolio of executive and leadership development programs.
At The Ohio State University, Milazzo was principal investigator for $4.75 million in annual grant funding. She created and launched the first of its kind, state-wide intermediary organization to provide training and consulting to youth organizations across the state. A natural collaborator and strategist, she worked with the Governor’s Workforce Policy Board and state departments of Job and Family Services, Development and Education to carry out the legislative mandates of the Workforce Investment Act. Her contributions resulted in significant increases in the state's performance on federally mandated performance measures.
Milazzo began her career in Washington, DC, gaining professional experience in corporate training, product development, and best practices research at The Corporate Executive Board. She has achieved national notice for her publications and training on youth workforce development and as an invited presenter she has addressed topics on strategy, innovation, and leadership at state, national and international conferences, including the U.S. Department of Labor Youth Development Symposium, Building Better Opportunities for Ohio's Youth Conference, National Association of Job Training Assistance Annual Meeting, Department of Youth Services, Division of Children and Families National Youth Summit and the Global Youth Employment Summit in Alexandria, Egypt.
Darcie earned a Master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Michigan and a bachelor of science in organizational communication from Ohio University. She holds executive certificates in Organization Development and Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University. She is a member of the International Coach Federation. She is also certified to administer and interpret Myers Briggs Type Indicator. She is a board member for the Georgetown Institute for Transformational Leadership Network. Darcie currently leads the Penn Cannon Group, a global leadership development consultancy based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Since 2013, Darcie, her husband Matthew and two sons have lived in the north hills of Pittsburgh. On Pittsburgh, she shares "It's a city we truly love, with a community we admire and a place we can contribute. We are home." Penn Cannon has a dual meaning. First, it is derived from her sons' middle names, inspiring its work on behalf of future generations. And second, the names themselves come from two of the places that hold deep personal meaning for her; Pennsylvania and Cannon Beach, Oregon.